The biggest problem in the west = FATTY ACID BALANCEAf our food is processed and eaten with Omega-6 Even non-organic meat!



What is an optimal omega-3 index? Above 8%The right ratio/ratio omega-6: omega-3 ratio is important for good health. Omega-6: omega-3 ratio, optimal = 1:1, good = 3:1 ratio.

Nowadays, most people sit on a ratio of 15:1 to sometimes 30:1


Why is Omega-3 (EPA and DHA) essential for good health?

- Strong anti-inflammatory effect, (thus lowers your hs-CRP values) - Supports, restores, and strengthens intestinal flora (wall)

- Lowers your cholesterol level

- Inhibits loss of bone mass

- Nutrition for the brain, so necessary for proper brain function- a good function of the heart and vessels (otherwise heart vessels will clump, oxidize)

- Keep cell wall flexible, allowing better absorption of nutrients and waste products

better drainage- Blood pressure lowering

- Better communication between the cells- More insulin sensitive- DHA is a suppressor of de novo-lipogenesis (the process of converting carbohydrates into fat)

- EPA promotes fat burning (so you lose weight earlier)

- EPA reduces blood fats (triglycerides)- Plays an important role in the immune system (resistance)

- Good for your muscles. Omega-3 improves strength training by stimulating blood flow to the muscles, with the result that the muscles are less likely to break down or acidify. Omega-3 also helps your muscles recover faster and works against inflammation.


In short:
Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are essential for: Heart – brain – blood sugar regulation – immune system (good health), bone mass, intestinal wall.


Which foods contain the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA?

- Fish, shellfish, and crustaceans (especially in fatty fish)- Seaweeds and algae (from DHA)- Linseed and walnut (ALA only)- Further supplementation (Good pure fish oil which does not taste like fish and does not smell like fish)


Our body cannot produce omega-3 itself. We are therefore dependent on sufficient intake. Large-scale research has shown that people who regularly eat fish also get omega-3 too short. Therefore, extra omega-3 as a supplementation is recommended for everyone.



My advice:

  • - Use pure liquid supplementation of good quality with correct and sufficient dosages

EPA and DHA. (Immerse yourself in it and/or be honestly informed - check the oil)

  • - Measuring = knowing. Therefore, do the Omega-3 finger prick bloodtest.


The measurement

To know if your cells have a healthy ratio, we do a test with a finger prick blood test. Each blood test has a unique code. We send the blood anonymously and to an independent lab. We can request the results after 30 days using the unique code. Without this code, the result cannot be determined.

Here we can see whether you have a healthy cell but also the values of all omega 3/6/9 fatty acids in your cell wall.


With this information, we can make an adjustment in your diet to get the right ratio of omega-3/6. After 3 months we do the test again to see if the values have improved


Why after 3 months?

A blood cell needs 120 days to renew, measure earlier or follow the new adjustments for less than 3 months, which does not give a good picture of the test.


What does a measurement cost?

An omega 3 index measurement costs 85, - This amount will be refunded when you purchase the omega 3 fish oil 6 months package.


The measurement takes 30 minutes and takes place at our location at bezuidenhouteseweg 181. You will have the results after 30 days and we will go through them with you.   Based on this, we can advise on supplementing pure fish oil or other adjustments in your diet.

Science Based Benefits Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
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